About This Blog

Come Lord Jesus / Yay for Cupcakes

“You should start a blog!”

So said those most unbiased of observers, my mother and my sister.  “You’re a good writer!  And your life is like A Prairie Home Companion!  And Zoe is so cute!”  I will admit, at least two of these three statements are true.

My life is like the news from Lake Wobegone, at least some of the time.  I go to pie and ice cream socials.  I wave at every car I pass on the country roads, whether I know who’s driving it or not.  I stop by the funeral home to say hello, steal a cookie, and use the fax machine.  If I leave my car door unlocked, I just might find a few garden tomatoes or a bagful of clothes and books for my daughter inside.

And that daughter, two-year-old Zoe, is obviously the cutest, smartest, funniest, most amazing two-year-old the world has ever seen.

And so, in a week when my sermon is struggling to be written and I have a million other things I should be doing, I did it!  I started this blog.  Thanks for reading it!  My mother and my sister and I all appreciate it.

To read more about the name of the blog, check out my first post here.

40 responses to “About This Blog

  1. marilyn

    Yay! Keep up the good work!


  2. I am unbiased as well….just happen to have stumbled across this blog searching for great journalism in Middle America. And I love it.


  3. Ann McGlynn

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to follow your journey.


  4. Theresa Oakes

    How fun! I can’t wait to follow the Many Adventures of Maggie (and Mike and Zoe, too of course!)


  5. Hey, PastorMag – you checked out my blog, I thought I’d return the favor!

    I was once the pastor of two small, rural churches (I’ve now been captured and taken away to suburbia!) and we also have a daughter named Zoe. Despite also having another daughter named Mattie, we could practically be twins.

    Blessings on you, your ministry, and this blog!


  6. rae

    Just found your blog through freshly pressed and I love it! Maybe because I also live in rural MN, not all that far from Litchfield. And with growing up in the city, moving to the land of corn fields and one-stoplight towns has been quite the adjustment.


  7. Kelly

    Hi Maggie. I’ve never been to Minnesota but I do live in a tiny rural town but it’s near the ocean and,I too, minister but in a very non-clerical sort of way, so on the surface we have almost nothing in common but I love your writing so there must be some connection! 😉 Keep it coming!!


    • Before we landed in this particular small town I used to say it would be great to live in a small town / rural setting if we could live on a lake. Clearly, we are connected!

      Thanks for stopping, Kelly!


  8. “You should start a blog!”
    Boy, did those words ever change your life!


  9. Alyson Chadwick

    I really like your blog. Hope you’ll check mine out! 🙂


  10. Well, I’m glad you did start a blog. I will be reading!


  11. We are in Alexandria. Read through your Minnesota Nice quotes… on Christmas Eve when I was awakened quite rudely by what I am sure is going to turn into a miserable winter cold. Thanks for the chuckles… and have a blessed Christmas!


    • I love Alexandria! I had a great time at Mount Carmel, and also browsing around and eating in a few restaurants in town. Sorry about your cold–I hope it passes quickly. Blessed Christmas to you too, and thanks for stopping!


  12. ayearofrandomkindness

    I’m new to blogging and taking a stroll through WordPress window shopping. I enjoyed your entries and your super-cute daughter!


    • Why, thank you! I enjoy your blog a lot, too! And seven is a more manageable number than, say, fifteen, so maybe I will take part and choose some blogs, too. Thanks for stopping!


  13. Pingback: Oh really, you’re too kind. No really, you shouldn’t have. Okay, yes you should. « frugalistablogdotcom

  14. I nominated you for the Liebster Award because I like your blog.

    These are the rules:

    *Thank the blogger who bestowed the award.
    *Pass it on to five other bloggers, who must have fewer than 200 followers.
    *Notify the nominees.
    *Display the award on your blog.

    Looking forward to more of your posts!


  15. And I also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

    Go here to see your nomination on my blog:


    The Rules of the award are:

    Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
    Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
    Share 7 random things about yourself.
    Thank the blogger who nominated you.
    Add the Versatile Blog Award logo on your blog post.


  16. You have my vote for the Versatile Blogger award 🙂


  17. You’re like SUNSHINE, Maggie, so I’ve put you up for one of these chain-letter like awards that take up a great deal of time but foster a sense of community!

    You’ve been nominated without your consent for the Sunshine Award! Congratulations!

    THE DEETS: Post the .jpg of the award in a post or somewhere on your blog; mention the person(s) who nominated you; answer the following questions; nominate up to 12 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated!

    Favorite Color:
    Favorite Animal:
    Favorite Number:
    Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink:
    Facebook or Twitter:
    My Passion:
    Getting or Giving Presents:
    Favorite Pattern:
    Favorite Day of the Week:
    Favorite Flower:

    Please forgive me in advance for foisting this on you! (However, I do like this award a lot, frankly. I think it’s got a nice feel to it.)


    • Why, thank you! And also, oh, dear. It is so lovely to receive these awards. Maybe this time I will actually fulfill the requirements. Or at least say some lovely things about you in return!


  18. your header image is so good. awesome.


  19. I clicked through to your blog because of Freshly Pressed (congratulations!) and love the old photos you use, then I saw you have a tag Minnesota Nice and I was hooked. I grew up in a small town in Minnesota and although I’ve lived away from MN now longer than I ever lived in it, it will always be the home of my heart. Now off to read more of your posts!


    • Thank you very much! Welcome! I found you after you found me, and I am a big fan of your blog, too! Where did you grow up? I know there are many small towns in Minnesota, but I can’t help asking. I never expected to live here myself, and I can’t believe how much I like it!


      • Marshall, down in the southwest corner, but all of my relatives lived in Hopkins so we spent a lot of time there too.


      • Hey, I know Marshall! I’ve even been there (or maybe just through there, although it’s possible we ate at Perkins–and if you have a Perkins, you’re kind of a big town around here, I think).


  20. Hey girl, I nominated you for an Illuminating Blogger Award! Go here for more info…



  21. Just stopping by to wish you a happy new year and hope that very busy season, even busier for a minister, went well for you! Now, no guilt intended here, but those of us who look forward to your posts have missed you! So hope all is well!!!


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