Remember Love

On Sunday afternoon, Zoe and I stopped at a pop up boutique in our town. Before we were even out of the car, she spotted something she just had to have. Once she’d brought it home and showed it off to her dad, she seemed to forget about it.

On Wednesday morning, I remembered. I went downstairs and I took the something out of its bag and I put it on her dresser:


Right now, there are many people in our country who do not feel safe. Who are hurting and worried and heartbroken and afraid. If that is where you are: I see you. I’m with you. I love you. If that is not where you are: please know that it’s where your neighbors are. And know that I love you, too.

Here is what I know in my bones: we are all beloved children of God. This is the first and most important thing that is true about each of us, no matter which candidate we voted for or which candidate won. We are made by God, and we are loved by God, and nothing in the world can change that truth or take that love away.

Let’s be gentle with each other. And let’s be fierce against the forces of hatred, intolerance, and fear. Let’s remember love. And, if it’s your thing, let’s pray:

O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

What makes you hopeful?


Filed under Lord in Your Mercy

3 responses to “Remember Love

  1. Donna M. Kock

    Such true words to speak today!!!


  2. Jennifer Olsztynski

    Words of calm and wisdom…thank you Maggie❤️


  3. Pat Branstad

    Oh Maggie, thank you for these wise words… I miss our conversations, and miss you dearly, but I’m keeping these words close to my heart.


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